Feather Client For Pojavlauncher



Beta test the YouTube app on Android

As a YouTube beta tester, you can use the YouTube app normally. This will help us improve and stabilize YouTube for all users and creators. How to opt-in.

How to get Feather Beta for YouTube

This is an opt-in beta test, so you will need to sign up for it by heading to the project site. If you change your mind later, then simply revisit the site and ...

How to Get Feather Beta for YouTube

If you do not know what is feather beta, it is a feature that lets you stream videos from the app without buffering. It is also possible to view videos in full ...

Load Youtube Videos Faster with YouTube Feather Beta

2012年7月25日 — To enjoy the YouTube video faster you must try the YouTube Feather Beta, when you enter the YouTube Feather Beta program you can see the lighter ...

Simplified YouTube Feather launches in beta

Now available as an opt-in beta, Feather attempts to make the video-viewing process quicker and simpler, with less features and options cluttering up the page.

Slow YouTube? Try Feather, Made for India

This is an opt-in beta for “Feather” support on YouTube. The “Feather” project is intended to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible.

YouTube Feather Beta

2009年12月6日 — The Feather project is intended to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible. It achieves this by severely limiting the ...

Youtube Has Feather in Beta, Have You Tried?

2009年12月4日 — Youtube is following the footsteps of Facebook and etc to provide a lite version. It is now in Beta and it is called Feather.


AsaYouTubebetatester,youcanusetheYouTubeappnormally.ThiswillhelpusimproveandstabilizeYouTubeforallusersandcreators.Howtoopt-in.,Thisisanopt-inbetatest,soyouwillneedtosignupforitbyheadingtotheprojectsite.Ifyouchangeyourmindlater,thensimplyrevisitthesiteand ...,Ifyoudonotknowwhatisfeatherbeta,itisafeaturethatletsyoustreamvideosfromtheappwithoutbuffering.Itisalsopossibletoviewvideosinfull ...,201...